SEGMENT 2 “MEN” Young men see the future in a similar way, bringing up matters like climate concerns, wars and conflicts, and economic issues. However, they also show a particular interest in political matters, which account for 9% of their concerns, with a particular emphasis on political extremism and corruption. In addition, they betray noticeable anxiety about world collapse, which reflects a deep-seated apprehension about the future and the global challenges they will have to face. Destruction and end of the world #Collapsingworld 4% Politicalextremism #Politicalissues 9% Lack ofpeace #Societalissues 9% Depletionof resources(food, water, other resources) #Economicissues 17% Wars andconflicts in general Lack ofpeace #Wars andconflicts 23% Environ-mental issues in general Climate change #Environmentalissues 35%