Country comparison FRANCE In France, the youth appear to have a marked preoccupation with their career and professional future, something that 19% of respondents brought up. While not fretting so much about the possibility of being unemployed, what worries them is the thought of having a job where they are unable to thrive. This situation is in sharp contrast with Mexico, where the fear of unemployment takes precedence over the issue of professional fulfillment. Meanwhile, the French are particularly alarmed by the environmental situation, a worry shared by 17% of participants, with the impact of climate change being their chief concern. Conversely, only 4% of young Mexicans mentioned the environment. France / Mexico Work and career in general Unemployment Having an unfulfilling job #Career andprofessionaldevelopment 19% Environmental concernsin general Impact of climate change #Environmental crisis 18% Failure to achieve personal dreams and goals Failure in general Failure to achievesuccess #Failure 16%