Country comparison CHINA The atmosphere in China is pervaded by one overriding concern: wars and conflicts, something that worries nearly 40% of the Chinese youth. This puts the country far ahead of the world average in terms of worrying about world peace. Environmental challenges also occupy a significant place in the minds of these young people, focusing particularly on the overall state of the environment, pollution, and global warming. On the economic front, the young people of China are worried about growing inequalities, the economic crisis, and recession. The shadow of American hegemony also hangs over their political fears, whereas nearly a third of them say they are worried about the state of society, particularly with reference to a feeling of insecurity and the erosion of interpersonal relationships. China / Spain Epidemicsand pandemics #Healthissues 3% Discriminations and injustice #Societalissues 6% Autocratization #Politicalissues 7% Inequalities #Economicissues 10% Pollution Environmental issues in general #Environmental issues 25% Lack of peace Wars and conflictsin general #Wars andconflicts 40%