Watch details Watch details Presentationof lessons learnedby region From financial issues in the west to fear of failure across the continents Many of the young people questioned are obsessed by the idea of personal failure, which hangs like a shadow over them and is the most frequently mentioned source of worry in practically all the regions studied, with the notable exception of Europe and North America, where financial concerns prevail. Thus, the lexical fields relating to personal finances, the economic situation, inflation, the cost of living, or access to housing and debt are used much more in the West than in the rest of the world. In these other regions, a vocabulary more associated with a fear of not being able to realize one’s dreams, of failure in general or of not managing to reach one’s full potential to have a positive impact on the world, appears to take precedence. When we compare the number of contributions related to each of these two main concerns—failure versus financial situation—in each region, we find significant differences. For example, in North America, their financial situation is mentioned in 33% of contributions, whereas only 14% talk about fear of failure. Contrastingly, in the Middle East and North Africa, failure appears in 37% of contributions, as against fewer than10% for their financial situation. Subjects related to careers and professional development are topical across all regions except the African continent. Some regions, however, stress specific concerns: in East Asia and the Pacific, education is a source of worry, whereas Europe is more preoccupied by the environmental crisis and North America by health.