Segment 1“I am studying” For students taking part in the consultation, two main desires are equally important: personal happiness and personal success, each taking 23% of the votes. Being a student is all about looking toward the future, which means that the hopes expressed tend to involve their future careers. For example, 12% express hopes about their careers and professional development, hoping to find “satisfying” or “stimulating” employment. Underlying all these projections a pattern can be seen: a desire to be comfortably off. Getting rich seems to be a horizon that fascinates these young students. Segment comparison I am studying / I am working Have afulfillingjob Have agood job #Career and professional development 12% Financialsituation Buildwealth #Financial situation 10% Have asuccessfulcareer Besuccessful #Individualsuccess 23% Live a goodand decentlife Personal happinessin general #Personalhappiness 23%