Information about overall participation Key figures pertaining to visits and participation Overall participation figures Remember to refer to the interpretive guidelines to check definitions of terms used. 230,108visits 365,705verbatims 42,342participants 823,215contributions Key figures pertaining to ambassadors and workshops Throughout the consultation, ambassadors got to work in the field, promoting the initiative to many young people who would otherwise have been beyond our reach, either because they had no connections with any of our partners or because they did not have the kind of digital access that would ensure they saw our communications, thus enabling them to take part.There was considerable enthusiasm for the program: 2,452 ambassadors registered from 103 countries A community on a Discord server with 637 members Local communities already organized in Zambia, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Nigeria 62 activities organized in 15 different countries(Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Nepal, Liberia, Guinea, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Zambia, Samoa, Ghana, India, Philippines, Algeria) As part of Youth Talks, participants could organize a range of activities: street interviews (to find new participants and ask them the questions directly), stands (to publicize the operation), conversation workshops (to discuss the big issues addressed in the questionnaire), and creative workshops (to create works of art connected with the consultation).In addition to the questionnaire, the ambassadors were given access to a dedicated kit to provide them with the tools needed to organize the various activities. Moreover, around a hundred ambassadors also got involved in building this community by taking part in weekly tasks and monthly challenges, organizing task forces to coordinate the network and promote the operation, and organizing and managing local communities.