To go further When they talk about their aspirations for the future, the young people of the West seem to care more about things that some might perceive as somewhat lightweight or frivolous: the quest for happiness, joy, entertainment, and satisfaction. Meanwhile, in other regions of the world, the emphasis is more on success, career development, and professional fulfillment. How should we interpret this dichotomy? Read more Read more Caveat Caveat In the “To go further” sections of this report, wehumbly suggest some ideas for initiating the transitionfrom simple description to a more thorough analysisof the results. These sections aim to trigger thoughtand sketch out some possible ideas of exploration,rather than to present definitive interpretations. Our editorial team, though it is dedicated and competent, does not have the expertise in all the fields that underlie the results of the consultation. Moreover, the fact that our team principally includes members from the West, France and Europe in particular, necessarily introduces limitations and bias to our approach. Further stages of analysis are planned, involving a wide range of experts from a variety of cultures and fields of expertise, so that we can conduct a more in-depth interpretation. We therefore invite our readers to approach the “To go further” sections from an open-minded yet critical perspective. They should be seen as preliminary avenues of exploration, potentially subject to bias or omissions resulting from our own cultural or professional perspectives. By sharing these preliminary ideas, we hope to trigger an enriching dialogue and a more in-depth analysis that will help us to collectively take the best approach when looking at the rich complexity of the ideas expressed by the young people who took part in this consultation.