Watch details Watch details Presentationof lessons learnedby region To give up or not to give up: Intra-societal tensions in western youth and contrasts with the rest of the world Comparing responses by region reveals multiple contradictions, reflecting the diverse viewpoints of young people, particularly the differences that exist between the West and the rest of the world. In North America and in Europe and Central Asia, i.e. in the West, material consumption is the leading aspect that young people are unwilling to sacrifice. While in question 6, 28% to 40% of young Westerners say they are willing to give up consumer goods such as mass consumption, plastic, or cars, in this question, 24% to 26% of young Westerners say they are unwilling to give up material consumption, with the main aspects being food and drink, the comfort of home, and cars. This simultaneous willingness and unwillingness to sacrifice material consumption reveals a strong lack of consensus and highlights the tensions at play within societies themselves. While some young people from the West want to make profound lifestyle changes, most likely in the hope of seeing improvements in the environmental situation, others in that same group are unwilling to make such sacrifices on a personal level. Further south, young people from Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa demonstrate a firmer attachment to their identities and beliefs or to their personal values and virtues. These aspects serve as crucial beacons in their lived experiences, in contrast with the concerns expressed in Western countries.