4 European CooperationHow to work together at a European level? Art and culture are often considered secondary environment and making culture more accessible to to other public policies, and do not always receive underserved audiences. A common theme across all of sufficient funding. First and foremost, therefore, the these discussions is the role of digital technologies, workshop participants were keen to reaffirm the which represent another challenge: digital technology importance of recognising culture as an essential offers opportunities for inclusion at the same time as resource and a lever for transformation for all sectors being the source of the digital divide, and being critiqued of society, and the need to strengthen cooperation, for its role in the lossof social ties. As Jemima Montagu, particularly with stakeholders in the health and social Director of Art Explora UK, points out, this subject con- sectors. To meet these challenges, several avenues tinues to give cause for concern: “We don’t want children were explored. One is to encourage collaborations looking at screens in museums, but they won’t naturally giving a voice back to young people, by proposing a go in because it’s not part of their culture. Screens are space for reflection and debate around innovative familiar to them: technology is also part of the solution”. projects, that could take the format of a specific Anne Leroy, from the Contemporary Physical Dance “Cultural European Youth Parliament”, where they can Ballet, warns: “Children need to spend more time in front be supported by experts from the cultural sector. As of the work, questioning and reflecting, and the screen is mental health is finally being raised as a national and an obstacle to this”. It’s hard to be definitive on the European priority, the establishment of European subject. However, there is consensus on one point: common initiatives on the topic could be set up, culture, by fostering social cohesion and empathy, must offering free social spaces dedicated to well-being, and become a central lever in meeting the many social and designed in collaboration with cultural institutions. environmental challenges that are emerging. Another approach would be to involve museums in marginalised areas (prisons, for example) through co-created programmes, adapted to their specific 22