1 Youth EngagementHow to engage with young people? Successfully reaching new audiences, particularly In a context marked by eco-anxiety and the after- young people, is one of the major challenges facing math of Covid, these crises have become sources of cultural institutions. Institutions are seeking to adapt by isolation and loneliness that have led to numerous revising their traditionally Eurocentric perspectives, mental health issues among young people. It is crucial reconsidering the representation of women and minor- to create “breathing spaces” to support their well-being. ities in their programming, and by addressing new Equally important is involving young people in the ecological imperatives. “We need to understand the co-creation of projects: working “from, for, and with” world, where it comes from and where it is going, and audiences by including them in all stages of project ask ourselves: whatis truly important to us? Temporary development. “Since these issues are intersectional and action or a long-term commitment?” says Ophélia do not only concern young people, being inclusive also Boukana, head of health and accessibility programming means focusing on the concept of intergenerational at the Louvre Museum (Paris). Several approaches, connections”, highlights Elizabeth Galvin, Head of Learn- based on dialogue and collaboration, can help bridge ing and Digital Programmes at the Victoria & Albert the generational gap, with the ultimate goal of building Museum in London. This means redefining inclusion by trust. One strategy is to create spaces for discussion focusing on the individuals, rather than group identities, and interaction: places where young people can gather and engaging young audiences as ambassadors for cul- and exchange ideas. Another is to use art to encourage tural institutions, as emphasised by Quima Farré Urzaiz, debate and active listening, offering a platform director of the Palau Vincles programme at the Fundació for shared experiences that foster empathy and crea- Orfeó Català – Palau de la Música Catalana. tive mediation. Augustin Pagenot, head of Public In respect to this, social media − despite the physical Engagement at the Rodin Museum (Paris), suggests distance it can create between the audience and the that “if the aim is to bring people together, something artwork – should not be overlooked as a mediation tool very hands-on can work by creating a space for content for reaching young people and more remote audiences. development and collaboration.” These “maker spaces” are dedicated to artistic creation, where young people can use tools, materials, and resources to create and experiment. 16